AGT H12 13.5 HP 1-Ton Mini Excavator Digger Tracked Crawler B&S EPA Gas Engine

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Price: 5,699.00 USD

AGT H12 13.5 HP 1-Ton Mini Excavator Digger Tracked Crawler B&S EPA Gas Engine

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    Welcome to our eBay store. Agrotk belongs to brand of AGROTK industrial, AGT industrial, MOWER KING. Our company is specialize in agricultural machinery, garden machinery, construction machinery, automotive and accessories. We are committed to your good buying experience from us. If you meet some problems or further questions,even some dissatisfaction with us,please give us a chance to solve the problem and offer you the best service,before leaving us a negative feedback. Meanwhile if you are satisfied with our products and service,please leave positive feedback with Four 5-Stars. Hope you will have a wonderful time with us, thanks!

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    1. Goods will be shipped within 3 working days after you pay by YRC,UPS or FedEx(depends on your location). Please also note that heavy goods will be delivered by truck, it may change to your local carrier if you’re in remote area.  For heavy goods, please make sure that you have a forklift or equivalent for unloading. YRC does not responsible for unloading.

    2. We offer free shipping except HI, AK, PR and Guam.

    3. Packages are not shipped on Saturday and Sunday. Transit time varies and depends on the carrier,we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by carriers.

    4.Please make sure to provide the correct shipping address when placing your order,orders will be shipped out to the shipping address provided by eBay.

    5.Shipping time by eBay is estimated and not guaranteed and is subject to change especially during peak periods.

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    1. If you have any questions or concerns about the product or transporation,please contact our customer service department via email or send us message on eBay my messages. We will give you a response in 24 hours.

    2. All emails will be responded to within 12-24hours.

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    1. We offer a 30 day return policy on all items.(Unless stated otherwise in the listing).

    2. All returns must be in original condition and must include the original packaging and content intact.

    3..Returns should be packed in proper packaging to avoid damage to the item or it original packaging.

    4.For any return request please contact our Customer Support by eBay Messages and you will be assigned an RMA number and instructions on how to proceed with your return.

    5. Please allow 3-5 business days after we receive your package to process your return.

    6. Any returns that violate this return policy will not be accepted and will be sent back at customers’ expense.

    Agrotk H12 Mini Excavator



    • Looking for a powerful and versatile mini excavator at an unbeatable price? Look no further than the Agrotk 1-ton mini excavator, available exclusively on our online store!
    • With our one-year warranty, you can rest assured that you’re getting a high-quality product that’s built to last.
    • Plus, we’re offering free shipping on all orders, so you can save even more! Please note that you’ll need a forklift to unload your mini excavator upon delivery. Don’t have a forklift? No problem! You can pick up your mini excavator at a nearby YRC Freight location, or you can pick it up at our Chicago warehouse.
    • Our mini excavator is perfect for a variety of excavation tasks, including landscaping, construction, and demolition. With its powerful engine and durable components, it’s sure to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

    • 1 Year Warranty Offered. We pride ourselves on our customer service, in the unlikely event if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us to resolve any problems before leaving negative feedback. Thanks for your understanding.


    • Please note that we have 3 brands TOPCAT, MOWER KING, AGROTK, products of these 3 brands are totally exactly the same. Please note that the we will ship the brand at random. The carrier may changed to your local logistics if you’re in remote area. Please contact us via ebay message or contact our US warehouse at 1 773-927-8098 if ebay shows delivered while you didn’t get it. Thanks.


    • If rural area, pallet must be delivered to a commercial address or picked up at the nearest shipping hub Location.  If liftgate service is required it is an extra fee.  Delivery to home address is available for extra fee.If you’re in a remote area, the carrier may be changed to your local logistics.  
    • Please do not hesitate to contact us via ebay message if eBay shows that your order has been received while you didn’t. We will do our effort to help you fix the problem.
    • Your orders will be shipped within 3 working days after you pay. Usually it will takes nearly 10 working days to your place. 
    • If you have any needs for local pick up, please feel free to email us for detail information. Here is the information of our US warehouse for your reference:

             6200 S Oak Park Ave, Unit B

             Chicago, Illinois 60638-4016

             United States

             Warehouse Number: 1 773-927-8098

    Item specifics

    New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is …


    Model Year

    B&S Engine



    Shipping Note before Purchasing
    Receiver MUST has a forklift for unloading!!!

    Equipment Type
    Mini Excavator


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